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Tag Zach

Jumping on Trampoline Easter 1995

424 0

Jumping on Trampoline Easter 1995

424 0

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Oct 7, 1992

Christmas Morning 1993

188 0

Christmas Morning 1993

188 0

Dec 25 1993

Ice Scating on a Pond

211 0

Ice Scating on a Pond

211 0

Dec 29, 1995

Zach’s School Play

177 0

Zach’s School Play

177 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday with Herron Family

180 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday with Herron Family

180 0

April 1992

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

September 2, 1990  

Easter 1989

107 0

Easter 1989

107 0

Easter 1989

Zach’s D.A.R.E. Graduation/Play

155 0

Zach’s D.A.R.E. Graduation/Play

155 0